Black stories Pre Order now! girl in library Sharing the rich story of the Black race Ongoing Writing Contest Become a partner 2020 Short Story Contest Finalist meet the finalists Black Stories for
Black Kids
Black stories donate to a book
What we are going to achieve

Our Mission

We create anthologies of Black children’s literature for Black kids in underserved communities. Each volume of our book contains 10 curated Black short stories in which the characters look like them, the authors look like them, and the illustrations look like them. We believe through positive literary representation Black children can actively take control of their power of self-definition versus passively accepting negative racial stereotypes. Ultimately, our goal is to create a generation of optimistic and empowered black children whose mindsets are empowered by the books they are introduced to in their younger years.

Here at Black Phoenix Ink, we want the next generation of Black children to R.I.S.E. like phoenixes from the ashes.

R – Read literature with positive modeling.

I – Individually determine their racial identity.

S – Set out to achieve big and fantastical dreams.

E – Eradicate mediocrity and poverty mindsets.

Why & how we do this
Make a difference

We rely on your support and contribution to make our short story collections available to young Black kids growing in our community. Click to learn more about how you can help make a difference

01  You Write

Send us your short stories and poetry about our shared Black and African heritage.

02  We Publish

We take the best of your stories and poems, and with the help of our volunteer illustrators, we transform them into books. We then use donations and sponsorships to print and distribute our anthologies to underserved Black communities.

03  Kids Read

Black children who read your stories books are empowered by an alternative vision of what it means to be Black. Our goal is to use literature as a vehicle to construct learned optimism and limitlessness in Black children..

Black stories for Black kids

The Black Heirloom

We invite you to discover more about our anthology The Black Heirloom and see how you can become part of something awesome

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The People Who Give Their Time

Volunteer Spotlight

'It takes a village to raise a child'. Ancient African Proverb. In building The Black Heirloom we brought together a village of people who have all had a hand in inspiring Black children to become the heroes of their own stories.

meet our volunteers
bpi team

The Black Phoenix Ink Team

Latest news

YouTube Channel Alert !

We at Black Phoenix Ink are pleased to announce that we will be our YouTube channel is now live . This channel will give our amazing authors an opportunity to hear their short stories come to life. If you are interested in hearing your story read out-loud on an episode, please contact us via DM or

The Short Story Contest

Thank you everyone for participating in our short story contest. We intend to open the next contest after we publish the first volume of The Black Heirloom. Stay tuned for the new date.

writing hub
Become A Sponsor

We are looking forward to working with awesome and diverse firms or individuals who would like to sponsor our project in one form or the other. There are many ways you could work with us.

Connect with us